Sukhi batata bhaji (without onion) ani purio

Sukhi batata bhaji (without onion)ani purio:


Batat or potatoes are the most favorite among kids as well as adults. There is a wording which says potatoes are kitchen kings and this proverb holds true. When nothing is available, potatoes come to your rescue. Potatoes are not only tasty but also easy to cook.

Let's look at one of the traditional Goan sukhi bhaji or dry veggie recipe - sukhi batata bhaji(potato vegetable in a dry form) without onion, which is prepared mostly during the religious occasion-Ekadashi wherein lord Srikrishna in Vithal avatar is worshipped with grand devotion at various temples. This bhaji is consumed with puris among the various communities apart from Goa as a part of their fast during this religious ritual. Also people from Goa consume this bhaji without onion with puris in their individual homes on this day.

This ritual of preparation of this sukhi batata bhaji without onion during Ekadashi festival is been in my family since the ancestral times. My mother in law always shared that her mother in law never ever missed its preparation and it has formed a part of ritual in our family. As Lord Vithal temple is just besides our ancestral home, their devotion to the lord also marked a lot in the celebration of Ekadashi festival.

Such sukhi batata bhaji without onion and puris are also offered to god in any puja or religious rituals in Goa and form a part of our menu in ceremonies too!! From adults to children, this bhaji is loved by all goans.

Potatoes- 1kg boiled
Green chillies-4-5 finely chopped
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Jeera-1 tsp
Hing-1 tsp or small piece
Oil-3-4 tsp
Karipatta leaf-1
Ginger mashed-1 inch
Coriander leaves-1 cup
Haldi powder-1 tsp
Sugar-2-3 tsp
Salt as per taste

First wash all potatoes and cut them into half and boil them in cooker for 3 whistles. After pressure goes, remove them out in plate, cool, peel off their skin and cut into fine pieces. Sprinkle sugar and salt over this pieces and nicely with your hands mix all pieces so that they get marinated with sugar and salt. Note that , whatever salt and sugar you need for the vegetable needs to be added for marination so that you don't have to worry to add the same again.

In cooking vessel, add oil, hing , mustard seeds, jeera, karipatta leaves. Saute for a second. Add green chillies and mashed ginger. Saute for a while. Add haldi powder and half of coriander leaves. Saute well. Now at end add marinated potatoes pieces and mix everything nicely for 1 min. Cover with lid and wait for a sec. Then add remaining coriander leaves, mix and you are done. Isn't it simple??

Serve with hot puris.
Happy Ekadashi Festival to all!!


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  1. Best batata wada is in Bombay cafe station road Margao and a unnamed hotel opp. Topcola busatop at Borim.

    1. Yes, I have relished batata wadas of Bombay cafe. Similarly prepared here. Thank you.


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