About me

Hello friends,

Welcome to my own little heart of cuisines. Let me introduce myself to you..... I am Archana Naik, with a purely Goan heart and blood....with a deep love for different kind of food but have deep respect to my Goan cuisines and culture. 

I love to cook as per the original recipes and also make some twists in them, experiment new ideas to fill my families stomach and soul with happiness and satisfaction....so that at the end of every meal, they bless me with words,  'Annapurne sukhi bhav.....'

In my kitchen, I am a food enthusiasts with an appetite for some new dishes as well as old ones. My husband is fond of home made food and avoids outside foods most of the time. So he is an inspiration for me to cook some new restaurant style dishes and also preserve the old ones passed on to us by our moms, grand moms and great grand moms.

Now a days cooking is in lot of demand and variations in cooking is on top craze. But there are certain typical dishes which were prepared by our moms and great grand moms whose originality cannot be disturbed.

In my blog I have tried to inculcate old as well as new trend dishes on my single platform of Archi's delicacies....

May goddess 'Annapurna' shower her blessings upon me as well as all my viewers of my blog.

Some of my trials in my kitchen I have given below.........

Respective recipes have been given in their individual posts....thank you everyone for reading my small piece of intro.....and trust me I shall be at my best to reach you with my culinary skills!!


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