Kids demand

Our kids are the most inspiring route for us to experiment with new dishes that suite their taste buds.

Some kids prefer sweet preparations while some hate one of the ingredients. We need to always remember to prepare a dish which a child would love to eat as well as its nutritous.

Its a tough struggle for moms to maintain that beautiful food relation between her and her child.

Here I have tried some new preparations for my fussy child 😁 which I would like to share with you.

Cheesy potato nuggets
Oats chikki
Cabbage parata
Ragi methi puri
Tomato puri
Mulyacho parata
Egg parata
Kacchya batatyachi bhakri
Mushroom capsicum spring roll
Mushroom parata with mayonese
Ragi-palak-corn appam
Bread pizza
Methi palak puri
Milkmaid chocolate balls
Pau bhaji parata
Palak hearts
Corn appams
Homemade pizza
Cheese appams


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