Cheese appams

Cheese appams:.

Appams or appo are a famous breakfast dish along many parts of India. Appams are made with rice- urad dal batter or some make using rawa and rice flour. Basically I make appams using the rice-urad dal batter with onions, corns etc.

However, there were demand from my child for some snack in the evening. I had some dosa batter lying in my fridge, the batter made from rice and urad dal mixture. So I thought of making some simple appams with cheese stuffing and topped with tomato sauce. So let me take to my recipe. Its very simple and quick to answer your child's demand, could be at evening snack or for their tiffin box. All you need is children favorite cheese.

Dosa batter-2 cups
Grated cheese-4-5 cheese cubes grated
Tomato sauce-as required
Oil as required

Heat your appams patra, pour 1 tsp oil in each depressions.
Pour litte dosa batter in each depression, fill depression half. Then put grated cheese little by little in each depression. Again pour dosa batter over it in each depression. Cover and cook.

Then flip over all appams, close and cook again.

Then apply tomato sauce over each appams with help of a spoon. Add again grated cheese in lots amount on top of each appams. Close with lid till cheese melts. Do not flip here. Your cheese appams are done.

Remove and serve as it is. These are very simple appams for your children's, though simple, they taste delicious with super combination of cheese and tomato sauce, everything just melts in your mouth!!

Try out and see. Happy cooking!!

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