Sweet dish contest

Sweet dish- my dish 'kesari sheera':

My second contest in which I Participated was on 'Betterbutter Marathi Recipes' group on Facebook wherein the contestants had to post sweet dishes and first 50 contestants were chosen for their best recipes and given prizes.
This contest was held in January 2018.

I had prepared and posted 'kesari sheera' dish for this contest and was chosen among the first 50 participants and I received Arsun wooden spoons set of 5 as a winning gift.

This was also a wonderful contest held on the group and there were many participants who participated with great enthusiasm. We could also learn many more different kinds of sweet dish recipes from other contestants.

You can refer my below link for the recipe of 'kesari sheera' posted on my blog.
kesari sheera

Thank you for reading my writeup.
Enjoy cooking!!


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