Tomato puri

Tomato puri:

Tomatoes are very good for health in children as well as adults. When its a question of what to give in kids tiffin, I would suggest this innovative puri would be best. Children's will definitely love this in their Tiffin's.

Small tomatoes-2
Coriander leaves-1 cup
Ginger garlic paste-1 tsp
Jeera-1 tsp
Sugar-2 tsp
Salt-1 tsp
Chat masala-1 tsp
Wheat flour- 1 cup or more as required.

Grind in the mixer all the above ingredients except wheat flour and it will give you the paste as shown below:

The paste will be slightly darker due to coriander leaves added to it. Then add wheat flour in this paste and make a dough. Roll out puris and deep fry as below pictures:

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