Karatyachi kismoor

Karatyachi kismoor (Bitter guard dry chutney):

Bitter guard or karate as called out in local goan language is a beautiful cripper  which grows naturally in goan home garderns with an onset of monsoons. A little seed embedded in the soil makes its way as a very long cripper which elongates on its own in the direction of support it gets , may be of an compound wall or a balcony grill. So once the cripper grows, it gives you abundance of fruits hanging on to it.

Bitter guard, though bitter as the name implies is bitter in nature but tasty as well. Its preparations will never make you say no to it. Everyone loves the karela fries, however its vegetable, stuffed karelas, kuvol etc tastes awesome.

Today I am going to give you the recipe of karatyachi kismoor, a wonderful preparation which stands its place close to dry mackeral kismoor-sukhbagdyachi kismoor. Let's look at its preparation.

Karate or bitterguard-1
Chopped onion-1
Haldi powder-1 tsp
Red chilli powder-2 tsp
Coconut oil-2 tsp
Scraped coconut-1 cup
Salt as per taste

First scrape off skin of bitter guard and cut it into small pieces. Discard off the seeds within. Apply salt to these pieces and keep aside for 1 hr.

After 1 hr, just squeeze the salted pieces to remove water. In a cooking vessel add oil and shallow fry these salted bitter guard pieces stirring continuously till they are cooked and turned to brown. Remove them and keep aside.

In a plate mix chopped onions, haldi, red chilli powder, scraped coconut. Mix nicely.

Add previously stir fried bitter guard pieces. Add little salt keeping in mind salt added previously to bitter guard pieces. Mix nicely.

In a pan add oil, add the whole mixture and stir fry for 1 minute and you are done.

Serve with goan rice and Sol kadi.

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