Carrot salad

Carrot salad:

Nothing comes to mind, when one is having a very tight schedule of work. Something quick, tasty and healthy is expected from kitchen in less then 10 mins. So today I have made a quick, easy, tasty carrot salad. Simple to prepare, yet very much healthier as carrots have loads of vitamin A which are very much vital to our eyes. Otherwise too, carrots are loved by all and raw carrots taste more good and provide more nutrition.

So its preparation is very simple.

Carrots -2-3
Green chillies-2-3
Ginger grated-1/2 inch piece
Salt as per taste.

Grate carrots into very fine strips.
Add finely chopped green chillies, grated ginger, salt, lemon juice and mix everything nicely.

Serve immediately the freshly prepared raw carrot salad!!

You can also add finely chopped cabbage and boiled sweet corns to it to enhance its taste, picture of same given below:

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