
Khatkhate ( Goan traditional mixed vegetable kurma):

Khatkhate is one of most traditional Goan dish which our ancestors relished from years. In olden times, people lived on vegetables more than fish, fish was hardly available. And so they grew almost all kinds of vegetables in their own backyard farm. They cultivated vegetables like pumpkin(dudhi), cucumbers ( tavshe), ladyfingers (bheno), tubers like colacasia tuber (madi), kanagas of various types like zhadekanaga, katekanaga, mundlyo, etc, turnips (goddo), drumsticks etc. So all of these vegetables when cooked together with addition of coconut and some masalas yields a very delicious, nutritive dish called khatkhate. khatkhate is prepared in every homes during festive occasions like Ganesh Chaturthi, Ekadashi, Navratri, puja of any diety or any Goan Hindu religious function or ritual. It's a lip smacking dish for some new generation people who do not know the preparation but still enjoy the preparation of their moms or grandmoms.

I am also among the new generation who never took initiative to try this recipe as it was my mother in laws dish, she always prepared it at my house and everyone just enjoyed. But I feel these traditional Goan dishes need to be learned, and preserved. Sometimes each younger generation should at least try once their recipes and give them to taste. Its a big honour for our oldies seeing their youngsters learning their recipe and a big satisfaction to us having brought that ultimate happiness in their eyes.

I always wanted to learn this recipe of khatkhate it's my husband's favorite though am not so fond of it. So today thought of trying the same with few vegetables first. If it comes well, I shall do it with more bulk veggies. I tried with only 5 vegetables as my trial round- pumpkin, ladyfingers, cucumber, kanaga and corn. Yes corn, which I had tasted in one of the religious function which had khatkhate prepared with corn. Corn gives an ultimate taste to this khatkhate.

So guys let's have a look at my recipe

Mixed vegetables as shown below:

You may change and use vegetables of your choice like raddish,bamboo shoots, papaya, breadfruit, colacasia tuber etc whichever are readily available. I am going to try out with all these veggies later at my second attempt.
Haldi-1 tsp
Red chilli powder-2 tsp
Tamarind paste-1 tsp
Peppercorn-1 tsp
Sichuan pepper ( tephala)-10-15
Chana( vatana)-1 small vati
Jaggery-3-4 tsp
Salt as per taste
Water as required.

Soak chana overnight.
Cook in cooker for 3 whistles.

In mixer grind coconut, haldi, red chilli powder, tamarind paste, peppercorns and tephala ( half the quantity) and water to fine paste.

Chop vegetables chosen to medium sized pieces ( take care not to cut too small)
Vegetables like corn, pumpkin, cucumber, needs to be cooked in cooker for 2 whistles whereas vegetables like Lady fingers cook soon. Kanaga or mundlyo has to be cooked separately and peeled off, and its skin discarded.

I cooked rest all vegetables in cooker to save time, bhendi and peeled kanaga directly in vessel on medium flame.

Once ladyfingers get cooked, add cooker cooked vegetables and chana, and mixer grind masala.

Add water to adjust the consistency , jaggery, salt and stir well.

Add remaining of tephala on top and boil well.

Off the gas and serve with rice on banana leaf in a traditional way!!

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