Tendlichi bhaji

Tendlichi bhaji ( ivygourd dry vegetable):

Tendli or ivyguord are grown widely towards the southern regions of India specially in Kerala and are always consumed in keralite cuisines. In Goa too, ivyguord cripper gains growth as it has the capacity to spread widely over fences, shrubs etc. If taken care off, they yield the vegetable in bunches. My mother in law always grows the cripper taking lot of care in her backyard. In Goa we consume it in form of dry vegetable and also in gravy form. Along Indian cuisine, its consumed in various recipes, even its pickle.

Ivyguord are very good for metabolism, heart and nervous system. Always pick the raw tendlis for cooking. Never use the ripe ones are they are sour in taste and are not good for health. Those looking white inside are the raw ones and are to be consumed. You don't make out the difference while buying this vegetable, but always pick small sized ones. Big fat tendlis tend to be ripe and are very reddish from inside. Once you cut the vegetable, you can clearly make out the difference.

Today I shall show you Goan recipe of dry vegetable form of Ivyguord.

Ivyguords-1/2 kg
Scraped coconut-1 bowl
Hing-1 small piece
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Green chillies-3-4
Oil-2 tsp
Water-a fistful
Jaggery-3-4 tsp
Salt as per taste

Chop ivyguord into round circles or long slitted finely. I have used only raw tendlis for my cooking and ripe ones kept for presentation as shown in my picture.

Chop green chillies viceversa as you chop ivyguord.

In a vessel heat oil, add hing,mustard seeds. Once they stop spluttering add chopped green chillies, then chopped tendli or ivyguord. Stir nicely. Add salt, jaggery and water and let it cook till soft closing the lid. Once soft add scraped coconut on top and mix. Off the flame.

Serve with rice and curry or chapati.

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