Sukhbangdyache hooman

Sukhbangdyache Hooman( Dry mackerel curry):

Sukhbandge or dry mackerals are mostly consumed in Goa. The fresh mackerals are marinated in salt and dried in sun continuously till they loose their water content and are perfectly dried. This is done by the fisherman/Fisher women's community across Goa. These dry mackerals are then sold in the markets. They are widely bought by the local Goan people and consumed when fresh fish is not available specially during rainy seasons or when each persons taste buds demand!!

Dry mackerel are used to prepare either curry or a dry preparation called kismoor. Kismoor is more commonly prepared as its very much tastier then the curry. I have already given the recipe of kismoor long back, today I am going to give you the recipe of curry. Curry of dry mackerals is prepared in 2 ways. One is by soaking dry mackerals in water for sometime, then their skin discarded and used in curry. Next method is to roast the mackerals on direct flame, then scrape off the skin and used. The curry made by second method taste more lovely then the first method. I have tried preparing curry both ways and I love the second method curry which am going to share with you.

Dry mackerels-2-4
Scraped coconut-1 cup
Red chilli powder-2 tsp
Haldi-1 tsp
Tephala or sichuan pepper-7-8
Green chllies-2
Tamarind-1 small ball
Kokum petals-1-2(optional)
Salt as per taste
Water as required

Roast the dry mackerals on direct flame and then scrape off the skin and make pieces as shown below.

Grind coconut, red chilli powder, haldi, peppercorns, tamarind with required water till paste. If you skip tamarind here, you can add kokum petals directly in curry or can add both as I do, it makes your curry more tastier.

Put the above grinded masala in vessel, add dry mackeral pieces, tephala, green chillies, salt, water to adjust consistency of your curry. Add kokum petals, it's optional. Mix everything well and keep on flame to cook.

 Once it boils well, your curry is ready.

You can also add hogplums in the curry to enhance its taste, which I had prepared some weeks before. But keep in mind, whenever you plan to add hogplums or ambade, please do not add tamarind in grinding and also skip kokum petals in curry.

Serve with Goan rice.

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