Tavshyachi karam- with green chillies

Tavshyachi karam-type 1 ( cucumber chutney with green chillies):

Today I am going to share with you an authentic Goan traditional recipe which is common in every household of Goa. This is kind of a side dish which is consumed raw. A chutney is prepared with green chillies and mixed with raw cucumber and eaten. In Goa, as per different cultures this tavshyachi karam is prepared in 2 ways, the only difference is in the chutney recipe.

I have shared here the recipe which is prepared at my in laws side wherein the chutney is made using green chillies. And the other recipe which is prepared at my mothers side, wherein the chutney is prepared using red chillies and roasted mustard seeds I have shared in my next post. In both the ways, the common is that raw cucumber is mixed in the chutneys and eaten, but the taste of both karams differ. I love my mothers side recipe more than my in laws side.

Lets look the recipe below:

Cucumbers-1 or 2 peeled and chopped into fine pieces
Green chillies-3-4
Scraped coconut-1 bowl
Tamarind ball-1 inch
Sugar-1 tsp
Salt as per taste
Water as required

Grind all the above ingredients with required water to fine paste and mix in raw cucumber pieces and have immediately.

This tavshyachi karam is a very popular dish in Goa which is served with rice, dal etc.

Note: Since cucumber contains lots of water content, the moment you mix cut pieces of cucumber in your chutney, they tend to leave their water in the chutney hence making your karam watery. So the best way to have this is to mix cucumbers in chutney and have it immediately. Or if you wish to consume later, then keep the cucumber pieces in another bowl in refrigerator and keep chutney in a seperate bowl aside. While serving mix both and serve immediately. Or keep the contents separately on the serving table and mix both on your serving plate itself. This will keep your chutney free from getting too watery and spoiling the taste.

Try out this simple yummy Goan traditional tavshyachi karam type 1 / cucumber chutney recipe !!

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