Bread cake

Bread cake with chocolate hazelnut cream:

Bread cake is an quick and easy, no oven recipe made with chocolate hazelnut cream. I had lot of leftover bread slices with me and my child's favorite chocolate hazelnut cream , so I thought of making a cake out of it using some whipped cream,sugar syrup and chocolate ganache.

All children's love cakes, love any kind of chocolate creams, but sometimes fussy to eat bread. So why not surprise them with this beautiful simple cake playing hide and seek with them regarding bread. You won't even come to know of what its made of and your child will be happy to eat their favourite dessert at home and you will get immense satisfaction looking at the happiness on their face.

So why wait, let's proceed.

Bread slices-6 (3 for one cake)
Chocolate hazelnut cream of any brand
Sugar syrup
Whipped cream
Chocolate ganache
Grated dark chocolate

Note: there are no measurements as such for the ingredients since you can use the quantities as each one prefers.


For preparation of whipped cream and chocolate ganache, please refer my previous post of chocolate biscuit cake, the link I have given below
Chocolate biscuit cake

I had both these things lying in my refrigerator, so had no hectic job to prepare again.

Even I had sugar syrup with me, which left after preparing gulab jamuns, so I used the same.
You can prepare fresh or use any leftover sugar syrup.

Grate dark chocolate, put whipping cream , chocolate ganache into a piping bag.

The final procedure:
Take the bread slices, discard the hard edges.

Apply sugar syrup on top of all bread slices.

Take one sugar syrup coated bread slice, apply chocolate hazelnut cream on top and put chocochips on it all over.

Take next bread and place on top of the above bread ,repeat the same procedure and also similarly with next bread. So we get 3 bread slices one on top of the other.

Then apply whipped cream on toppest bread slice and spread nicely.

Decorate with chocolate ganache lines, tutifuti and chocochips.

At last apply sugar syrup, then whipped cream and then slowly sprinkle grated chocolate pieces on all four sides of bread cake.

Your cake is ready. Keep it in freezer for 1 hr and then in refrigerator till you consume it.

Note: After you take the cake out of your refrigerator, consume immediately or else your whipped cream tend to loose its stiffness at room temperature.

So, make your children happy with homemade bread cake.

 I prepared two, you can prepare many of them this way or you can add more bread slices to make more layers of bread slices to form a big tall cake!!

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