Instant pista based tender coconut pudding

Instant pista based tender coconut pudding:

Pudding forms one of the quick dessert recipe. It's also wonderful to prepare it when you have an instant recipe pack with you. Today I have used an instant China grass pack and made tender coconut pudding using a twist by adding some Pistachio's and green food color.

This is very easy to prepare and taste delicious due to pista flavour.

Let's look at the recipe.

Instant China grass pack-1

Green food color-2 pinches
Milk-1/2 litre
Sugar-1 cup
Chopped Pistachio's-10
Chocochips and tutifuti for garnishing.


Boil milk. Add instant China grass pack mix. Add sugar. Stir continuously for 10 minutes and boil the milk again. Add chopped Pistachio's, green food color and stir continuously till milk thickens slightly. Off the flame and let it cool outside for 30 minutes.

Then transfer the contents in a decorative bowl and let it cool completely till pudding thickens.

Now transfer the pudding upside down on a plate and decorate with chocochips and tutifuti and keep in refrigerator till it sets and is chilled.

Serve chilled.

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