Nachnyache chocolate satva

Nachnyache chocolate satva ( Ragi porridge in chocolate flavour):

Hello everyone,
Ragi or nachni is one of the healthiest food grain rich in fibre, and also richest source of calcium, vitamin D, carbohydrates which are essential nutrients in body growth. That's the reason we insist our children's to have ragi in their diet. Its also called finger millet.

Ragi is consumed from ancestral times in the form of satva or porridge. Rather it was the staple food in some communities. Traditionally, ragi is consumed at breakfast table in form of porridge or kanji. From our great grand mothers till today, ragi has never disappeared from our diet. Not everyday but at least on some occasions, satva is prepared in every household of Goa. Now a days Ragi is accomplished in cookies, balls, flakes which are easy to prepare breakfast item with milk.

Apart from all other ways of consuming ragi, satva or porridge is the healthiest and traditional dish. Some prepare porridge with milk, or some with coconut milk. In my house, from my paternal side and also my in laws side, Ragi satva is made using coconut milk, jaggery and loads of cashewnuts. I love the satva prepared by my mother in law. No one can beat her perfection.

However, some children's hate ragi satva including my son. So I tried to use some of my instincts to change the taste of satva to chocolate flavour which all children's love. I achieved great success in making this yummy chocolate flavoured ragi satva/porridge for which I received lots of compliments. I used coco powder,chocolate hazelnut cream and some badam powder to give my porridge a different yummy chocolaty flavour!!

Let's see my recipe and you can try out soon! Am sure, your children won't disappoint you this time!!

1 cup ragi
1 cup scraped coconut
4 tsp coco powder
4 tsp jaggery
4 tsp sugar
2 tsp badam powder
4 tsp hazelnut cream
A pinch of salt
Cashew nuts-1 tsp for garnishing
Ghee for greasing.

Wash ragi very well in water for 2-3 times till you run clear water.
Soak it in water overnight.
Next day morning grind it with water and extract its juice running twice on mixer till you get clear extract.
Grind scraped coconut and extract thick milk.

Mix both ragi extract and coconut milk and keep on gas. Add rest all ingredients and keep on stirring it till thick, with no lumps. Once thick, off the gas and put in a ghee greased container and allow to cool.

Garnish with cashewnuts and cut into pieces.

Serve as a dessert in evening or can be consumed in morning for breakfast.

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