Tavshyachi karam-with red chillies

Tavshyachi karam- type 2 ( cucumber chutney with red chillies):

Hello friends,
In my today's post I shall share with you type 2 recipe of cucumber chutney/tavshyachi karam which is prepared with red chillies. Previously I had shared with you type 1 tavshyachi karam prepared with green chillies, you will find my post under chutneys category. These both recipes are purely traditional Goan ones and prepared in 2 different ways. My mothers side its type 2, and my in laws side type 1.

It's very quick recipe made with raw cucumbers.
Let me brief you through the recipe.

Cucumbers-1 or 2

Scraped coconut-1 bowl
Red chillies-2 or red chilli powder-2 tsp
Salt as per taste.
Sugar-1 tsp
Tamarind -1 small ball
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Water-just to sprinkle

Wash the cucumbers. Peel off the skin, and chop them into fine pieces as shown below and keep them aside.

In mixer grind scraped coconut, sugar, salt, red chillies/red chilli powder, tamarind ball, water to give a semi thick paste.

In a dry pan, put mustard seeds and roast them dry. Once they splutter, off the gas and put in this mixer jar and run the mixer jar for just 1 round. Mustard seeds need to be just coarsely ground and not too much. You chutney is ready. Remove your chutney in a bowl.

So your tavshyachi karam is ready. It is a combination of chutney and raw cucumbers. If you mix them first, cucumber tends to leave water after sometime and your chutney is likely to become wet and watery. So best is to serve both separately.

In a bowl keep chutney and at side of it keep your raw cucumber pieces, so that one can serve himself the best way. Serve with rice, dal etc. This chutney is like a side dish along with your main food menu, an additional salad type accomplish you can say.

If you wish to consume this later, keep both chutney and cucumber pieces in refrigerator and serve when you wish to.

Happy cooking.

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