Pineapple Sheera

Pineapple Sheera ( Ananasacho sheero):

One of the most delucting and delicious dessert and breakfast dish in South is Pineapple Sheera. My hubby had this Sheera in one of the restaurants in south during his work travel, and appreciated it so much that my mouth watered hearing his words. Having inspired by his love towards sweeth tooth, description of the sheera led my hands run on the same today. He guided me as to what exactly was included in pineapple sheera relished by him and inspired me to prepare it in the same way. A basic sheera was learned by me from my mother in law and prepared it many times and my child and hubby gave his unexpected appreciation always on same. So today on occasion of women's day,I thought of trying my hands on a different version of sheera- pineapple sheera.

With not much of writing, let me straightway take you to the recipe of pineaaple sheera or ananasacho sheero as called it local Goan language.

Big size rawa-2 cups
Pineapple pieces-1 bowl
Sugar-2 cups
Ghee-1-1/2 cup ( approx written/adjustable)
Water-4 cups
Pineapple essence-2 tsp
Dry fruits- cashewnuts, pista, raisins-1 cup
Cardamom powder-2 tsp
Cloves-5 nos
Salt- a pinch
Yellow food color- a pinch
Milk-2 tablespoons

Take the pineapple pieces in a bowl, add 4 tablespoons of sugar, little water and cook till tender. Keep aside.

Roast dryfruits in little amount of ghee and keep aside.
Roast rawa nicely in little amount of ghee till aromatic.
Add a pinch of salt, cloves and keep flame low and roast.
Meanwhile keep water for boiling with yellow food color in it.
When rawa is roasted, add boiling water, stir and close with lid and let it cook on low flame for 2 mins.
Then add cooked pineapple pieces along with water in it, and cover and cook for 2 mins again.
Now add sugar and stir and cover for more 2 mins. Add milk and stir and close.
Open and keep on stirring. Add ghee in small small amounts in batches and stir till your sheera is fluffy.
At last add pineapple essence, cardamom powder and roasted dry fruits. Give a stir and add remaining ghee on top, smoothen the surface on top of sheera, off the flame and keep closed for 5 mins minimum for all flavours to get mixed properly.

Serve hot at breakfast or as dessert or at evening tea.

Yummy delucting pineapple sheera will tickle your tastebuds forever.

Happy women's day to all my women friends and also the women's in the life's of my men friends!!
Happy cooking!!

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