Goan bhakkam peda /balushahi

Goan bhakkam peda/ Balushahi in square shape:

Goan bhakkam peda is similar to what is  Balushahi which is a famous traditional sweet across states like U.P and Bihar, West Bengal and it's called as Badushah towards the South.

I thought of giving it a try in my kitchen today for this year's Diwali. To make something different out of the regular platform is what I look for. Common Diwali snacks like nevryos, chakris, ladoos, chivda are always prepared every year. So this year I skipped all of above and tried to go for some different recipes. 

Learning to make this bhakkam peda was not a simple thing. It's made with just 3 basic ingredients. Maida, ghee and baking powder. My first attempt failed as quantity of ghee added was too much and I had to re do all my shapes adding more maida to it. Thanks to God I was rescued, otherwise it was a mere waste of all my ingredients, my thoughts and processes.

So let me take you to the recipe I tried today of Goan bhakkam peda or Balushahi.

Ingredients and method:

Take 2 cups maida ( refined flour or all purpose flour), add 1/4 th tsp of salt, 1/2 tsp of baking powder and mix everything well with a spoon. Then add 1/2 cup ghee and mix well again with the spoon. Look at the texture shown below.

Then use your hand and mix well.

Add little by little water and combine together the flour. Do not knead it.

Then leave it closed for 10-15 mins.

Meanwhile prepare sugar syrup.

Add 2 cups sugar and 3/4 th cup water. On the flame and stir well till sugar dissolves on low flame. Once sugar dissolves add 2 crushed cardamoms. Increase the flame to high and let the syrup boil. When the sugar drop takes long time to fall down, you are done. Add 2 drops of orange color and 2 drops of lemon juice to avoid crystallization of your sugar syrup. Off the flame and cover with a lid and keep aside.

Now come to your dough. Spread it on a plate. Cut it into 4 parts with a knife and keep the parts one above the other. Shown below.

Repeat the process again.

Then cut the square into long rectangles and cut each rectangle into small small squares as shown.

Press each square managing the sides and with your finger put a hole in centre.

You can make round shapes too. I made some round shapes too.

Similarly make of all your dough.

Heat oil to very low temperature. Drop in your shapes and leave undisturbed till they rise on top.

Once they rise, flip them. Fry till light golden on both sides toggling the flames to low to medium.

Look at the layers I got.

Then remove them from oil and directly drop them in sugar syrup. Let it deep for 5 mins one side and then flip them for 5 mins on other side. 

Then break one and check if sugar syrup has penetrated inside.

 If ok then remove all in a container and garnish with badam and pistachios and silver vark if available with you.

You can store them in a air tight container for 3-4 days at room temperature.

Serve on a plate for your festivals.

So guys, Happy Dhantrayodashi (Dhanteras ) and Happy Diwali to all my blog readers who motivate, support me in my small piece of work!!

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