
Chakho ( kuvlyachi bhaji/kachya fansachi bhaji/raw jackfruit vegetable):

Raw jackfruit is called as kuvlo in Goan language and Goans prepare it's vegetable (bhaji) in different ways. Not only in Goa but in various states wherever jackfruit tree persists like towards South India too its called out in different names and it's preparation vary. 

Today I shall show you the preparation of  it's vegetable in Goan traditional method which my mother in law prepares abdai learnt from her. Actually this recipe is since ancestral times. This bhaji is prepared in a dry form and it's very simple to prepare. 

The most tedious process in raw jackfruit recipes is it's cleaning and cutting. You need to discard off the green poky skin completely, cut like a pineapple or watermelon. Then cut into 2 half's, discard little bit of middle stalk of the fruit which penetrates deep inside the jackfruit, this part is hard to cook. 

The above picture shows you how I have cut them into long pieces, to be fried. First cut this way and then go for chopping them into fine pieces. I prefer sitting on adoli/vili ( local cutter) rather then using knife to cut this raw jackfruit as it's very hard to peel/cut the skin part especially. 

This recipe is very simple but yet very tasty.

We need chanas or green peas to enhance the taste of this vegetable. You can use frozen green peas also as it's readily available.

Let's go to the recipe.

Ingredients and method:

If you wish to use vatanas ( white chanas) then soak them well in advance for 5-6 hrs. Otherwise can use fresh or frozen green peas. I have used frozen green peas this time.

Take 1 raw jackfruit, apply oil to your hands as jackfruit once you cut it, a white sticky gum like a liquid latex starts running out. So to avoid it sticking to your hands and knife, you need to apply any oil to your hands and knife. 

Then cut off the skin with poky scales entirely like how you cut pineapple or watermelon. Next make a long vertical slit , then another one, in between and discard small bit of the stalk that runs through the entire fruit. Then cut it into small pieces (some prefer medium sized pieces, so cut as per your choice). I love very fine pieces.

If you have soaked chanas, then first pressure cook chanas for 5-6 whistles. Then add jackfruit pieces in same as follows.

Place all these jackfruit pieces in the cooker, add only 1 cup water, 1 tsp oil and pressure cook for 2 whistles only.

Once pressure is released, drain this cooked jackfruit pieces ( and chanas) on a sieve so that excess water runs out, it's discarded.

If you are using green peas, then cook only the jackfruit pieces itself in cooker.

Now heat a vessel, add 2 tsp of oil, add 2 pinches of hing, and 1 tsp of mustard seeds. Once they crackle add 2-3 long slitted green chillies. Then add the cooked jackfruit pieces  and chanas from the sieve. Stir well. If green peas are used then they need to be added now.

Add 2-3 tsp of jaggery( you may add sugar), salt as per taste, cover and let it cook. If water is released from jaggery it will dry soon. At last add scraped coconut -1 cup, mix well and cook till dry. 

Serve with Goan rice, Dal or sol kadi.

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