kesari sheera

Kesari sheera- ( Shiro): Presented in two ways below-

Sheera is a traditional goan cuisine sweet dish. Its usually called suji halwa in North India but we goans call it shiro. Its prepared in goa to celebrate good occasions and also as a goan breakfast or a supper snack. Sheera receipe is easy to prepare but requires lot of technique and the proportions of ingredients hold value to gain an awesome final product. Here i am giving u the proper proportions and the technique so that u and ur family can enjoy on the best made Sheera.

Rawa -1 cup
Sugar-1 cup
Pure ghee-1 cup
Cardamom powder- 1 tsp
Dry fruits- cashew nuts, kishmish as required
Orange food color-2 pinches
Water-2 cups
Salt-1/2 tsp


Roast cashewnuts and khismish in 1 tsp of pure ghee and keep aside.

Next roast rawa nicely on 1/2 amount of ghee till nice aroma. Add 2-3 crushed clove. Then add salt roasted cashewnuts and khismish.

Simultaneously keep 2 cups of water to boil with food color( I have used kesari color - orange food color).

Now going to previous step where ur dry fruits mixing is done, u need to add this boiled coloured water. Mix nicely and close utensil with lid. Wait for 2-3 mins. Mix again nicely.

Then add sugar. Mix again very nicely for 1 min. Allow to boil. Close the lid for 1 min.

Now add remaining ghee on top little by little spreading with your spatula all over and mixing nicely. Add cardamom powder and mix nicely.

Off the gas and add remaining few drops of ghee on top and sides of vessel and close the lid.

Open after 5 mins and you are done with a fabulous goan cuisine sweet dish- 'sheero'.

Serve with more nuts and more ghee if anyone prefers as presented !!

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