Harbaryachanyache salad

Harbaryachanyache salad (Black chana salad):

Harbare or Black chana or ghodyache chane as we goans call are the healthier part of goan cuisines veg salads.  There is a saying in konkani that if we eat these chana we get horse power. They are really good for strong bones and muscles.  I prepare a chatpata salad of these black chanas in a simple way as below.

Black chana-1 cup
Chopped onions-2 medium sized
Chopped tomatoes-1 medium sized
Chopped green chillies-1-2
Chopped coriander leaves-3 tsp
Jeera powder-1 tsp
Amchur powder-1 tsp
Chat masala-1 tsp
1 lemon
Salt as required


Soak chana overnight in sufficient amount of water.
Next day pressure cook them for 5-6 whistles with little salt.

Mix boiled black chana with chopped onions, tomatoes, green chillies, coriander leaves. Add in pinches of jeera powder, amchur powder, chaat masala, salt and a dash of 1 lemon juice and done.

Serve the freshly prepared salad immediately!!

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