Tisyranche sukhe(clams dry masala)

Tisyranhe sukhe (clams dry masala):

Tisyreo (clams) are the commonly found shell fish inside the deep sea of Goa. Its a very tasty shell fish and is relished by each and every goan with different kinds of its goan fish recipes preparations.

The cleaning of this  fish is quite tedious to newly introduced populations of India but goans are an expertise in the same.
I would suggest that it should be washed 2-3 times nicely in water till clean and keep in a plastic bag and tie it tightly and keep in deep freezer over night. Next day in the morning remove and keep them in water for 1-2hrs. Then the shells open up on their own. 

Now see and discard if tiny crab babies reside in them to eat their flesh. Clean if any dirt/mud. Then retain all flesh on one shell and discard the other shell. 

The same ways do for rest all clams. Now u can directly use them in your receipe.

Note: Do not apply salt after cleaning and also do not wash them again.

Here is the receipe of sukhe or dry masala as follows:

Tisryeo / clams- 1 big bowl
Onions-medium 2-3
Green chillies-2-3
Scraped coconut-1 small bowl
Tamarind ball or kokum petals-3-4
Salt and sugar for taste
Haldi powder 1 tsp
Red chilli powder 2 tsp
Pinch of garam masala

Mix all ingredients along with cleaned oysters and a handful of water and keep on medium flame to cook closing with lid adding little water on top of the lid so that the dish is not burnt. Cook till water is absorbed and the sukhe is dry. So you are done with your preparation and have the same with rice and Sol kadi of goan style.

I have given here the step by step pictures of my receipe:

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  1. Thank you so much for your appreciation !! I am happy that you follow my recipes .


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