Ambadyacho ros

Ambadyacho ros-hogplum veg curry:

Hogplums or ambade are seasonally available in local house garderns of Goa during months of august- november. Goan people grow the tree of hogplums and it takes approx 6-8 years to grow up and give you the wonderful fruit. But fruits are given in abundance. Each branch flourishes to give you 15-20 hogplums. These hogplums are eaten raw with salt or various preparations are made out it like pickle, uddamethi, curry etc. Here I am going to give you the preparation of veg curry made out of these hog plums.

Scraped coconut-1 cup
Haldi-1 tsp
Red chilli powder-2 tsp
Green chillies-3
Hing-1 small piece
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Methi seeds-1 tsp
Jaggery-2 tsp
Salt as per taste
Oil-1 tsp
Water as required


Peel off the skin of ambade/ hogplums and keep in water for 2 mins.
Grind in mixer coconut, haldi, red chilli powder, peppercorns to fine paste.
Now in cooking vessel add oil, hing, mustard seeds, methi seeds. Close with lid till mustard seeds splutter. Then add green chillies and peeled ambade. Stir and mix everything. Add water little till ambade deep and let them cook. Add salt and jaggery too. Once your am bade are cooked, you come to know as they change their color from green to slightly brownish yellow. Now add mixer ground paste, and water to adjust consistency of your ros/ curry. Give a boil and you are done.

Serve with rice.

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