Kacchya batatyachi bhakri

Kacchya batatyachi bhakri:

'Kaccho batat' means raw potato. This is a bhakri made from raw grated potato mixed with some cooked rice, milk and maida and is the quickest tiffin dish.

It has simple ingredients, yet turns out yummy, am sure your child will definitely love it. Let's have a look at its preparation.

Raw potato-1
Maida-1 bowl
Cooked rice-1 cup
Milk-1 cup
Salt-1 tsp
Sugar-1 tsp
Oil as required


First peel off the skin of your potato, then wash it and grate it. Keep the grated potato in a bowl. Add cooked rice, maida, salt, sugar in this and mix well with your hand. Then add milk little by little stirring continuously till you get a consistent batter. Let the batter rest for 10 mins. Your batter will look as per my picture below-

Then grease a non stick pan with oil drops and put a laddle full of batter on it. Spread the batter nicely with a spoon to make a medium thick bhakri,  don't make it too thin or it will be difficult to flip over. Cover and let it cook for 2-3 mins and then turn and do the same. This bhakri should get cooked well on both sides since we have used a raw potato. Do turn on both sides at least twice so that your bhakri is cooked well and is crispy.

Serve with tomato sauce.
Note: The bhakri becomes very soft on pan for first time, so flipping it over has to be done very carefully.

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