Marie- bornvita pudding

Marie-bornvita pudding:

Pudding is the most famous and yummilicious dessert loved by all goans. This delicacy is prepared during festive seasons, birthday celebrations, ceremonies etc. This dish is often found as a part of menu in goan celebrations.

A caramel pudding is basic version of pudding wherein coco powder, eggs, sugar etc are the basic ingredients. In my recipe here I have added Marie biscuits, bornvita biscuits and bornvita drinking powder to give my pudding a nutritional benefit along with awesome color and taste.

Let's look at the preparation.

Milk-1/2 litre
Sugar-2 cup
Nutmeg powder-a pinch
Marie biscuits-10
Bornvita biscuits-10
Bornvita powder-3 spoons

Boil milk and let it cool.
In a mixer add 1 cup sugar and nutmeg powder and grind once to mix. Remove and keep aside- bowl 1

Separate white part and yellow parts of all eggs in 2 bowls.

Mix yellow part of egg in bowl 1 and mix till sugar dissolves.

Beat white part of egg in bowl 2.
Look at bowl 1 and bowl 2 with hand beator.

In mixer make powder of Marie biscuits, bornvita biscuits, cashewnuts and badam.

In bowl 1 add grinded biscuit powder,  bornvita powder, cooled milk and mix. Also put 4-5 bornvita biscuits on top and mix till they are dissolved nicely.

In the container in which you would prepare pudding, add 1 cup sugar and keep the container on gas and let sugar caremalise and let it cool.

Now add beated eggs from bowl 2 in bowl 1 and mix well.

Add this final mixture in caremalised container and steam for 30 mins.

Off the gas and remove upside down and cut and decorate the way you want.

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