Talille chatpatith vainge

Talille chatpatith vainge- shallow fried brinjals with chatpata taste-khatta bhaigan:

Vainge or brinjals are favorite among all when fried. I made a slight variation in my ingredients to give you a new twisted recipe of brinjal fry. Its very simple to prepare. But please note that brinjals absorb lot of oil, so diet conscious people should stay away with it.

Brinjals-2 big
Haldi-1 tsp
Red chilli powder-2 tsp
Tamarind paste-3 tsp
Chat masala-1 tsp
Salt as per taste.
Rawa/rice flour mixture-1 plate
Oil for frying.


Wash be brinjals and cut them into semicircles. Then make a paste of haldi, red chilli powder, salt, chat masala and tamarind paste with little water and apply this paste on each brinjal rounds or semicircles. Rest for 5 mins.

Then dip each piece in rawa/rice flour mixture and shallow fry on tawa.

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    1. Thank you so much for your great appreciation on my dish. I am glad you love my recipes and would like to serve you best as I can in future.


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