Kurlyanchi xacuti

Kurlyanchi xacuti-goan style crab masala:

Crabs or kurlyo are the tastiest shell fish available throughout the year in goan seas. In Goa we prepare a gravy masala or a dry masala out of these crabs.

You can refer to my detailed description of cleaning of crabs in my previous post of kurllyanche sukhe. Just click this link:-Kurllyanche sukhe

Cleaned crabs:

So now I am going to give you the preparation of goan crab xacuti or kurlyanchi xacuti. Let's see the procedure:

Cleaned crabs-5
Onions-2 medium sized
Scraped coconut-1 bowl
Coriander seeds-1 tsp
Peppercorns-1 tsp
Nutmeg- small piece
Star anise-2 petals
Poppy seeds-1 tsp
Red chillies-2
Garlic pods-4-5
Haldi-1 tsp
Red chilli powder-2 spoons
Sugar-1 tsp
Salt as per taste
Tamarind paste-1 tsp
Oil-1 tsp
Water as required.
Coriander leaves (optional)


Roast in oil cinnamon, cloves, coriander seeds, peppercorn, nutmeg, star anise, red chillies till nice aroma. Remove. Then roast 1 long slitted onion , garlic pods and scraped coconut till nice aroma. Add poppy seeds and off the flame. Cool and grind with haldi, red chilli powder and tamarind paste.

In vessel add oil, medium chopped 1 onion, little of mixer grinded paste, cleaned crabs and required water. Let the crabs cook. Then add mixer ground masala, salt, sugar and give a boil. Put coriander leaves on top ( optional) if you prefer. 

Serve with rice or goan bread.

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