Ragi-palak-corn appams

Ragi-palak-corn appams:

Ragi, palak and corn - all three nutritious ingredients well combined together in this dish to come up with my new invention of Ragi-palak-corn appams for your kids tiffin box.

Ragi flour-1 cup
Palak leaves-4-5
Sweet corn kernels-1 cup
Rice flour-1/2 cup
Rawa-1/2 cup
Besan-1 tsp
Onions-1 small
Coriander leaves-1 cup
Scraped coconut-1/2 cup
Jeera powder-1 tsp
Oil as required
Water as required
Eno salt -2 pinches
Salt as required
Sugar-1 tsp

First blanch palak leaves in hot water and then put in mixer and grind to a puree with garlicpods and jeera powder.

Now mix rice flour, ragi flour, rawa, besan, chopped onions, chopped coriander leaves, boiled corn kernels, salt, sugar, scraped coconut , above palak puree and required water to make a consistent batter. keep the batter aside for 1 hr.

After 1 hr add eno salt , sprinkle few drops of water, foam will comes, just mix slowly through the batter.

In appe patra, add oil in all holes, drop a spoon full of batter in each hole and cover and cook
Flip over and cook on both sides pouring oil wherever required.

Serve the appams with tomato sauce.

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