Stuffed squids

Stuffed squids- bharillyo mankyo ( a goan style preparation):

Squids are the most tasty shellfish found in goan seas. All goans love this shell fish which is very easy to clean up and very delicious in nature. There are various goan preparations of squids in different homes. Here I would like to share with you the recipe of stuffed squids which I tried in my kitchen.

I always wondered on this preparation, saw many recipes, post on the same in different recipe books and on net but had in mind the thought of trying the same one day with my own style of cooking in my kitchen. Squids contain lot of moisture in it, so have to be very careful while shallow frying them as the moisture tends to get mixed up with oil and thus split up very abruptly on pan. May be this was the reason behind keeping my hands off this recipe. But my instincts never allowed me to just stay quite behind but pushed me to at least to go for trying it once. So voila!! I was successful in preparing yummy stuffed squids with my own instincts.

Here is the recipe:

Onions-2 medium chopped
Tomato-1 medium chopped
Boiled sweet corn kernels-1 bowl
Coriander leaves-1 cup
Scraped coconut-1 cup
Haldi-1 tsp
Red chilli powder-2 tsp
Garam masala-1 tsp
Salt as per taste
Sugar-1 tsp
Rawa for frying
Oil for frying


Cleaning the squids are very simple. Just remove out everything from their belly and a long white transparent stick which is just attached towards one side inside their belly. Done as shown below.

Now apply a pinch of salt and keep them aside for 5 mins max.


Prepare the stuffing :
In a pan add oil, chopped onions. Saute. Add boiled sweet corn kernels, haldi , red chilli , garam masala powders , salt,sugar and coriander leaves. Add scraped coconut and keep

Wash the salted squids and fill the stuffing in each squid and close the mouth with a toothpick as shown in the picture. Apply haldi,red chilli powder, salt outside.

Now dip each stuffed squid in rawa and shallow fry on tawa with oil on both sides till crisp outside.

Serve hot with goan rice and Sol kadi.

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