Ansache godlonche

Ansache godlonche/pineapple sweet$ spicy pickle:


Ananas/pineapple is one the favorite fruits among all. Pineapples are grown in goan villages in fields which are called as ansa-molo in local goan language. Our great grand fathers, grandfathers had long fields where-in such beautiful pineapples emerged out of bushy leaves. I remember going to kundai where my maternal family lived, and my mother used to always appreciate the great hard work her fore-fathers did to cultivate pineapples and sell them in goan markets to earn their livelihood. Apart from this, they also prepared various dishes out of pineapple like jam( halwo), uddamethi, god lonche(Mel) etc..

Today I am going to give you the recipe of pineapple sweet and spicy pickle which we goans call as god lonche or Mel and which stands at first position among all other Mel's. Yes, believe it's one of the tastiest god lonche among others like ambade , bimbla , karmala or amli. I learned this recipe from my mother. Prepare and see and you will also give it a number 1 among all sweet pickles.

Jaggery-2 bowls
Salt as per taste
Hing-2 small pieces or 1 tsp
Red chilli powder-3 tsp
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Oil-1 tsp
Water-1/2 cup
Green chillies-2-4


Peel the skin of pineapple and cut them into fine cubes along with green chillies as shown below

Now in a vessel add oil, hing, mustard seeds, green chillies. Saute. Then add pineapple pieces. Let it cook for a while.

Then add salt and jaggery and close. Jaggery will melt down. Now add little by little water.

Add red chilli powder. Let it cook.

Once jaggery will start getting into a syrup, it's color will get darker, see the consistency. It should not be too thick nor too thin. If too thick add more water and cook. If OK, then off the flame.

Transfer the god lonche/mel in a glass jar and let it cool outside and then refrigerate every night.

Serve after 1 day so that the pineapple gets well mixed with jaggery syup and flavors are nicely combined together to get an awesome taste.

Serve with chapati or goan bread.

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