Bangdyachi uddamethi

Bangdyachi uddamethi- mackeral udathmethi:

Bangdyachi uddamethi is one of the famous original traditional recipe of goan people mainly among the Hindu Saraswat community. This recipe was prepared by our grandmother's and great grand mothers who were masters in their cooking skills. During olden times, fish was rarely available, however mackerals were one of the readily available fish throughout the year. Uddathmethi preparation was of a big delicious dish prepared not so often and when its prepared, everybody's mouth kept watering until the aroma of its preparation sent signals to brains of every individuals in the house. Its one of the tastiest and tempting and unique recipe prepared out of mackerals among fish preparations.

Note: Mackeral uddamethi has to be prepared in coconut oil only. 

Scraped coconut-1 cup
Fenugreek seeds-2 tsp
Raw rice-1 tsp
Udad dal-2 tsp
Onions-2 medium
Haldi-1 tsp
Red chillies-4
Coriander seeds-2 tsp
Tamarind ball- small
Coconut oil-4-5tsp
Water as required.
Salt for taste.
Sugar-2 pinches to adjust the flavour


Clean mackerals and cut into 2 pieces of each. Apply salt and keep aside.

Saute in half of coconut oil, coriander seeds, peppercorns, red chillies. Remove. Add 1 onion long slitted in same oil, saute till light brown.  Saute well. Then add scraped coconut in same and saute till light brown. Remove. Add haldi powder in coconut. Cool and grind all this with tamarind ball and required water to form a thick masala. You can add red chilli powder if you need more spicy flavour.

Saute 1 tsp each of fenugreek seeds, udad dal, rice in coconut oil and put in grinded masala and grind again just for 2 rounds. Remove.

In cooking vessel add remaining coconut oil, again saute remaining  fenugreek seeds, udad dal. Add chopped 1 onion. Saute for a while and add grinded masala, required water to adjust the consistency and let it boil. Add salt, kokum and mix.

Add washed mackeral pieces.

Give a boil and your udathmethi is ready. Add sugar pinches now to adjust the flavour of salt, kokum and tamarind. You can skip kokum or skip tamarind or add both. Adding both gives a different flavour to your uddamethi.

Serve after 15 mins for flavour of mackerals to get nicely mixed up in curry.

Serve with hot rice.

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