Chikashivai pos

Chikashivai pos/kharwas without colustrum or chik:

Pos means kharvas which is actually made from the first fresh milk of cow after the birth of the calf. The first milk is called chik in konkani language or colustrum which is slightly yellowish in color. In olden days in all homes of Goa, pos was made using colustrum as most goans had cowshed in their houses earlier. However, in the modernized houses we hardly find any cow shed to get colustrum. Its hardly imposible to get chik or colustrum to prepare this dish. Lucky are few people who manage to get chik from some milkmans😁😁. Since i wasnt lucky enough to get chik, I have made pos using condensed milk by refering few recipes from net.

I was determined to prepare pos one day since its been years since my mother in law used to prepare this dish by getting chik. Pos prepared from chik is very delicious, however pos prepared using condensed milk is also very tasty. After going through many recipes, I did little variations in my recipe to give a wonderful flavor of turmeric leaves to my pos. So let's go through the procedure.


Condensed milk-1 cup
Curd-1 cup
Milk-1 cup
Corn flour-2 tablespoon
Sugar-2 tsp
Elaichi powder-2 tsp
Turmeric leaf-2

Mix all ingredients above. Stir very well so that full sugar dissolves and there are no lumps left.

Steam for 20 minutes in a cooker without whistles.

Cool, cut and keep in refrigerator.

Serve cool.

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    1. Thank you very thank you so much for your great appreciation on my dishes. I am glad to serve you best as I can in future with my innovative recipes.


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