Karatyacho kuvol

Karatyacho kuvol/bitterguord sweet chutney:

Karate or bitterguord - the name itself sends no signals to brains due to its bitter taste. However this chutney is slightly on the sweeter side for our taste buds to definitely ask for more. I am telling you from my personal experience and assumption regarding bitter gourd. I never used to love the name nor did I attempt to taste its preparation. However our older generation always explained to us their health benefits and the nutrition hidden inside this veggie. As I grew up, I once tasted the fries of bitter gourd,and to my surprise I loved them a lot. From that day only fries were on my menu whenever bitter gourd used to come home along with other vegetables. After my marriage, I first time taste this authentic sweet chutney of bitter gourd which my mother in law prepared...my god the taste was superb. I still love her way of preparing this chutney. So yesterday i had some bitterguords at my place so I tried my hands on this recipe. To my wonders, it turned out superb and was enjoyed by each member of my family. So today I shall take you through this authentic goan chutney recipe of bitter gourd.

I have posted here the pictures of my kuvol which I prepared on 2 different days where in the color is different. That is because of the different green chillies, red chilli and time used for roasting of your bitterguord. If you roast slightly, you will get a light color, whereas in my second picture, I roasted the bitterguord for more time and grinded without washing. Just clean it with your hands the black part and directly grind in your mixer. The color also differs depending upon the color of your jaggery and tamarind. So the colors of my kuvol differs in both the pictures.

 In this chutney, we combine roasted bitterguord, roasted green chillies and jaggery to give you an different sweet/ bitter/spicy taste which leaves your taste buds with an ultimate love for bitter gourd. This is an authentic and unique goan chutney originated from our great grandmothers whose taste cannot be compromised with any other chutney.

Bitter gourd on it's own is bitter in taste- this is a assumption of mostly the non consumer population of bitter gourd, however, those who eat their fries, vegetable, kismoor etc actually knows that this veggi is not bitter but have a unique delicious taste. You just can try this chutney and you will know that the  final taste of the product is just mind blowing that you just can't stop with just 1 serving.

Bitter gourd/ karate-1
Scraped coconut-1 cup
Green chillies-2-3
Red chilli-1
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Tamarind ball-1 small
Jaggery-1/2 cup
Salt as per taste
Coconut oil-1 tsp
Water-1 fistful
Salt as per taste.


Cut bitter gourd into 4 pieces and roast on direct flame as you keep brinjal for preparing brinjal bharta. Turn in between till its roasted nicely and turns soft.

Let it cool and scrape off the black roasted part and slightly clean with water.

In a pan add coconut oil add mustard seeds. Once roasted, remove and keep aside. Then in same oil roast green chillies, red chilli, and then scraped coconut. Let it cool.

Grind roasted coconut, green chillies, red chilli, tamarind ball,  roasted and cleaned bitterguord, salt and jaggery with water to semi- fine paste. Then add roasted mustard seeds and just give 1 grind on mixer. Done.

Your sweet spicy bitter gourd chutney is ready. Serve with goan rice.

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  1. I followed your recipe and it turned out be super yummy. One more reason to love "karate". Thanks for your recipe.

    1. Thank you so much 🙏 am happy now you got a reason to love karate😊


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