Ananasachi uddamethi

Ananasachi uddamethi ( pineapple gravy preparation):

Pineapple are one of the favourite fruit of many. Ananas as called out in local goan language tastes yum if eaten raw. But what if you try your hands on it in variety of new preparations. My maternal family had a big farm of pineapples which my mom always appreciated about in her talks and the struggle they made for their living. Besides the elderly women in their big joint families always tried to prepare new new dishes out of them.

Pineapple is used in various delicacies by goans. Here I am going to give you the recipe of its uddamethi which I tried on my own with slight changes in the original traditional recipe. I have heard preparing pineapple sasav, pineapple tonak with chanadal. However I have used the similar tactics of sasav but in my own way of preparation in which I have skipped addition of jaggery while cooking but I have included it while grinding the masala in the mixer. This technique I use basically to avoid formation of more water in the gravy. You can try out this method and you will know the difference in the final dish.

Scraped coconut-1 bowl
Kashmiri red chillies-2
Red chilli powder-2 tsp
Haldi powder-1 tsp
Jaggery-1/2 bowl
Salt as per taste
Asafotedia-1 piece
Mustard seeds-1 tsp
Methi seeds-1 tsp
Urad dal-1 tsp
Karipatta leaves-1
Green chillies-2-3
Oil- 1 tsp
Water-a fistful

Chop pineapple into fine pieces.

Grind scraped coconut, kashmiri red chillies, red chilli powder, haldi, jaggery and salt with a fistful of water.

In a cooking vessel add oil, urad dal, methi seeds, asafotedia, mustard seeds, karipatta leaves, green chillies and then above grinded masala. Add water if required to adjust the consistency.

Let it boil. At last add pineapple pieces and give a stir and off the gas. Since pineapple pieces leave water, you should make the gravy semi- dry. Then automatically pineapple pieces shall leave its water and aroma in the gravy and shall be adjusted to its own consistency.

Serve with rice or chapaties.

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