Sukhbangdyachi kismoor

Sukhbangdyachi kismoor- dry mackeral preparation:

Zite nuste kitlei asuni, sukhbangdyachi kismoor jevnan add kelyar jevnak anik zhet yeta- dry mackerals are very tasty in nature that if you add this preparation to your menu in addition to fresh fish dish, it adds more life to the goan thali.

Sukhbangdyachi kismoor is most of time present in the goan main course menu in some goan homes and also during any party or functions. In olden times, when fresh fish was not available mostly in the rainy seasons, goan people fed their living on dry fish and mackerals were on top positions. Still today goans make stock of dry fish in summer to consume during unavailability of fresh fish. However, some prefer to have them almost twice a week on their plates.

Today I will give you the recipe of how our ancestors made this sukhbangdyachi kismoor.

Dry mackerel- 1 or 2
Scraped coconut-1 cup
Chopped onions-1 medium
Green chillies-4-5 chopped
Haldi powder-1 tsp
Red chilli powder-2 tsp
Salt as per taste
Coconut oil- 3 tsp
Tamarind paste-1 tsp

First roast dry mackerals on direct flame till black.

Then remove , scrape off the black roasted skin and charcoal part. Remove the flesh and make small pieces. Discard the thorns.

In a cooking vessel slightly roast these pieces in little coconut oil and keep aside.

In a plate mix scraped coconut, haldi, red chilli powder, tamarind paste, chopped onions, chopped green chillies, salt and mix nicely evenly. Add this mixture in the above cooking vessel with roasted mackeral pieces which you roasted earlier , mix everything nicely.
Keep this vessel on the flame and keep  stirring nicely adding remaining coconut oil and off the flame.

Your kismoor is ready to be served.

Serve with rice and Sol kadi or dal.

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