Onion tomato salad

Onion tomato salad:

A simple basic salad prepared in every household is the onion tomato salad. It goes very well with chicken xacuti or mutton xacuti gravy. A quick recipe which can be learned and prepared by anyone. I thought today to post it for some new to kitchen. When you put your feet first time in kitchen, you are lost, not knowing to do anything ends you to panik specially the new brides!!

So anyone, who is new to kitchen can start their cooking process by learning this basic simple recipe of onion tomato salad.

Green chillies-4-5
Coriander leaves-1 fistful
Salt as per taste

Chop onions into long slits. Chop tomatoes into fine pieces. Chop green chillies to fine pieces or long slit the way you prefer. Then mix everything, squeeze the juice of lemon and pour on top, put chopped coriander leaves and at last the salt. Mix everything very nicely.

Serve your fresh salad immediately.

If you wish to prepare first, then add lemon juice and salt at last 2 mins before serving. You can cut all veggies, mix and keep well in advance. If you add salt and lemon juice before, your salad will turn watery by the time you serve it. So take care that you add these two ingredients at last.

Happy cooking!!

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