God nevryos

God nevryos (Goan coconut sweet karanji):

Karanji or nevryos are favorite among all. These are made in sweet form or in spicy form. In my last post during Diwali time, I had shown you how to prepare Goan coconut spicy nevryos. In Goa, we prepare sweet nevryos using different stuffings like of coconut, rawa, moongdal, etc. Among all, I just love sweet coconut nevryos.

Throughout India nevryos or karanjis are prepared in every household using festive occasions like Ganesh Chaturthi, Diwali, Christmas etc. These karanjis are prepared in various ways, in the sense stuffing differs. Some use muttor or fresh green peas to prepare muttor karanji. All festivals of India are incomplete without Karanjis.

Today I shall show you the preparation of Goan coconut sweet nevryos. Here I have used dessicated coconut as its readily available in all stores. Generally and traditionally dry kopras are grated and dried in sun and then used for these nevryos. Now a days due to time constraints dessicated coconut comes to our rescue. Let's look at the recipe.

For dough:
Maida-1/2 kg
Salt as per taste
Hot Pure ghee-2 tsp

For filling:
Dessicated coconut-2 cups
Rawa-1/2 cup
Sugar-1 to 1 1/2 cup as per your sweetness
Poppy seeds-2 tablespoon
Sesame seeds-2 tablespoon
Cashewnuts-1 cup
Raisins-1 cup
Nutmeg- a small piece
Cardamom-4-5 pods

Take maida, add required salt, mix and pour hot ghee and mix well. Then knead into dough by adding required water. Keep the dough aside closed for 1 hr.

Prepare the filling:
Heat a non stick pan.
Roast poppy seeds, then sesame seeds and keep aside.

Roast rawa nicely till a lovely aroma and keep aside.
Now roast dessicated coconut on low flame till nice aroma and keep aside. Mix all these roasted ingredients and keep aside and allow them to cool.

Grind cardamom, nutmeg and sugar to powder form.

Once the roasted mixture cools completely, add into it raisins, cashewnuts and powdered sugar mixture and mix well. Taste and see if you need more sugar.

Now take your dough, knead again, make balls.

Roll the balls into small chapati and put the above filling and close. Prepare all your filled nevryos and keep them aside on a plate.

Heat oil and fry all your nevryos on medium flame till golden brown.

Remove on a tissue or paper towel and let it cool. Once cooled keep them in a air tight container.

Your sweet nevryos are ready for your festive occasion.

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