Instant milkpedas

Instant milkpedas ( Milkpedas made with milkmaid instantly):

Milkpedas are loved by all. Its almost consumed by maximum population from small children to old aged for years. May it be a good news or excellent performance of children in their academic career or a inauguration of any firm, pedas are the must. Milk pedas are of various kind. Some are too sweet, some medium, some with khoya, some with pure milk.

Usually milk pedas are made by reducing the quantity of milk by heating and stirring it constantly and by adding other ingredients to form the most relishing pedas. Its a quite lenghtly and tedious procedure. I want to try these, but some other day. Today I tried making pedas using condensed milk and milk powder and its so instant. You can try this recipe and see how you liked the pedas.

Milk powder-1 cup
Condensed milk-1/2 cup
Pure ghee-2-4 tsp
Cardamom powder-3-4 tsp
Milk-2-3 tsp
Butter paper-1(optional)

Make pistachios powder.

Heat a pan, add pure ghee, once it heats nicely add milk powder and nicely mix. Then add milkmaid and stir everything evenly. Turn the flame to medium and keep on stirring.

Add milk and stir again.

You will see all mixture will melt. Keep on stirring till you get a thick mass which leaves the sides of pan. This will take 5-10 minutes.

Add cardamom powder and mix again. Once the mixture evenly leaves sides of pan, off the flame and remove the mixture on a plate. Allow to cool.

When the mixture has cooled to certain extent, grease your palm with pure ghee and take a ball of mixture and give round shape and press. Put pistachio powder on top and press on top of your pedas. Similar way make remaining pedas of your mixture.

Place your pedas on a butter paper and cool them completely in refrigerator for 1 hr and you are ready to consume.

Isn't it simple and instant?

Try out friends!!
Store them in a container for next day consumption!!

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