Tisryanche dangar

Tisryanche dangar (Clams cutlets):

Tisryeo or clams are one of the most delicious shellfish of Goa. These are available along the Goan coast in wide amount. Its highly demanded shellfish of Goa, widely consumed by all Goans.

Clams are cleaned by discarding their outer hardshells and inside organism is retained and consumed in all preparations.
I have already explained in my post of tisryache sukhe , as how these clams are cleaned in easiest way, you may refer my post for same.

Some quick images I am showing below. 

The above pic is clicked after removing the clams from deep freezer on next day, the shells open up on their own.

Then you can easily discard the outer shell as shown below.

For dangar or cutlets , you need to discard both shells and use only the inside flesh as shown below.

There are various Goan dishes made out of clams or tisryeo like sukhe, dabdabit, Hooman, masalo and dangar. Today I am going to show you the preparation of dangar or cutlets. Cutlets of clams are the most delicious preparation like sukhe. Here both the outer shells are discarded and only the inner part is used. I have shown below the pictures of same.

Cleaned inside clams-1 bowl
Chopped onions-1 or 2
Chopped tomatoes- 1 medium
Green chillies-2-3
Scraped coconut-1 bowl
Coriander leaves-1/2 cup
Haldi powder-1 tsp
Red chilli powder-2 tsp
Garam masala-1 tsp
Sugar-1 pinch
Salt as per taste
Rice flour-2-4 tsp
Rawa-2-4 tsp
Corn flour-2 tsp
Water- a fistful
Oil for shallow frying as required

Combine all ingredients together and make a semi thick batter.

Take small amount and give shape of a cutlet and shallow fry on tawa using required oil.

Fry till crisp on both sides.

Serve with Goan rice and Sol kadi.

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