Dahi baingan tawa fry

Dahi baingan tawa fry ( brinjals in curd masala tawa fried):

Hello friends,
Welcome to my new recipe of brinjals tawa fry. Its been many a times a thought came into my mind to just chop off baby brinjals in just 2 halves and apply a masala and tawa fry them. Since we only make a stuffed recipe with baby brinjals every time.

My baby brinjals were again and again staring at me and I was bored of indulging into a long time-consuming recipe, and was also not interested in preparing again masala recipe with brinjals. So today I made a new dahi masala recipe, wherein I have made a curd masala and stuffed in baby brinjals and fried on tawa till crisp.

This is a simple and quick recipe and easy to prepare. Here I have chopped off baby brinjals into 2 halves, then given some cuts on halves for masala to penetrate inside and then tawa fried them. Here the skin of baby brinjals are kept intact, and once you fry them, you can discard it while eating or some who love crispy brinjals skin can have them too. You have to serve them with skin below, so that brinjals halves look like cups/boats and we have to scoop out the cooked brinjals with our fingers and enjoy!! It tastes awesome!!

Let's see my recipe.

Baby brinjals-8-10
Dahi/curd-3-4 tsp
Tandoori chicken masala-2 tsp
Malvani chicken masala-2 tsp
Chaat masala- 1 tsp
Red chilli powder-2 tsp
Melted butter-1 tsp
Ginger-garlic paste-1 tsp
Haldi powder-1 tsp
Salt as required

For frying:
Rice flour-2 tsp
Rawa-4 tsp
Corn flour-2 tsp
Mix above flours dry in a plate
Oil as required for shallow frying on tawa.

Wash the baby brinjals, discard the stem, chop into 2 halves. Then put vertical and horizontal cuts on each half in a squared pattern as shown. This is made basically for masala to penetrate inside and the brinjals get marinated well.

Now make a paste of remaining all ingredients.

Carefully with your fingers, put above masala in between the cuts and apply all over the entire halves of brinjals and keep marinated for 20 minutes.

Now sprinkle the above mixed flour on the marinated pieces and dab it slowly so that masala sticks nicely.

Then shallow fry all pieces on tawa with required oil till crisp on both sides.

Serve with rice and any kind of curry. Its a fried stuff to be consumed for lunch or dinner with rice.

Happy cooking!!

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