Tikhshyo Nevryo

Tikhshyo Nevryo ( Goan coconut spicy karanjis):

Nevryos or the karanjis are famous festive traditional items prepared at every household during festivals like Ganesh Chaturthi, Diwali, Dusshera, Christmas etc. No festivals are complete without these Nevryos. Nevryos are prepared in many different ways depending on the culture of each religion, the stuffings are made of coconut, dry fruits, rawa, moogadal etc. In Goa, coconut stuffing nevryos are more popular and traditional. Coconut stuffings are also made in 2 ways- sweet and spicy. Goan sweet nevryos i have already posted last year, the recipe you will find in my blog. Today I am going to show you the preparation of Goan spicy coconut nevryos which are called as Tikhshyo nevryos in our local goan language and are state famous and most demanding by all Goan community.

Apart from sweet coconut nevryos, spicy ones are loved in our family a lot. And coconut nevryos taste more better if you prepare them with dry kopras ( dry coconuts) available in the markets in some specific shops or can be prepared at home well in advance by drying your coconut or scraped/ grated coconut in sun for many days. However the replacement of them is to use dessicated coconut which is readily available in all stores, even i used latter here in my recipe as I had no time to search for dry kopras from market which are available at specific shops.

 In Goa, spicy or Tikhshyo nevryos are more in demand than the sweet ones. They are rather more tasty. Proper addition of red chilli, asafotedia and jaggery in the spicy nevryos give you the best results.

So let's look at the recipe of Tikhshyo nevryos I prepared this year for Diwali 2019.

For the dough:

Maida-1/2 kg ( approx equals to 3 cups)
Rawa-1 cup.
Salt as per taste
Melted ghee-2 tablespoon.
Water as required.

For stuffing/filling:
Dessicated coconut or dry grated kopra- 250 gms ( approx 2 cups)
Roasted rawa-1/2 cup
Sesame seeds(til)-3-4 tsp
Poppy seeds( khuskhus)-2-3 tsp
Cashew nuts finely chopped(optional):2-3 tsp
Raisins-2-3 tsp
Jaggery-1 cup
Salt as per taste
Haldi- 1 tsp
Red chilli powder-3-4 tsp
Powder Hing ( Asafotedia)-2-3 pinches

Oil for deep frying


For the dough:
Take maida, rawa, salt and mix well. Add  to this melted ghee and mix nicely with a spoon. Then knead the dough using water little by little. Keep the dough aside covered with a lid for 30 minutes.

Meanwhile prepare the stuffing.

Heat a utensil and roast dessicated coconut till brown.

Add raisins, roasted rawa, haldi powder, red chilli powder and hing ( asafotedia) and mix everything well.

Roast poppy seeds, then sesame seeds and mix everything in a plate.

Then heat the same utensil again and add jaggery with little water and allow the jaggery to melt completely. Once it melts add above coconut mixture and give a stir quickly. Then off the flame. Just sprinkle some fistful of cold water on top and close the stuffing and keep aside for 15 minutes to rest.

Now the main part of making nevryos. Take your dough, divide into 4 parts. Divide your stuffing roughly into 4 parts. Take each part, make small small balls.

Roll them into small round very thin chapati, put stuffing, apply water on sides and seal your nevryos.

 Make nevryos of your dough and keep them aside on a plastic or newspaper to dry for 1 hr. Till then you can do your some other work.

Then heat oil to high temperature. Then lower the flame to medium. Put the filled Nevryos and fry them till golden brown cooking on low to medium flame. Drain oil properly and remove them on a plate.

Then place them on a newspaper for cooling. Never cool under the fan. Natural air is far enough completely cool them. Please ensure they are cooled properly.

Store in steel dabba or an air tight container.
I prepared them for my Diwali this year, you can also try out!!
Happy Diwali to you all my blog readers in advance.

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