Colorful fenoris

Colorful fenoris:

Festivals in Goa come with different kinds of farals prepared at every Goan homes from nevryo, chakryo, shankarpali, ladoo etc. Among them are the famous sweet fenoris loved by all. Fenoris are now a days readily available in Goan markets. In my house everybody is fond of these fenoris. They are Goan traditional sweet item/ faral coming from our ancestral times.

Fenoris are basically prepared plain white but some put food colors to give them a flowery look. Colorful fenoris look like the beautiful Roses with the layers displaying like the pretty rose petals. For this year Diwali I tried these colorful fenoris in my kitchen and once they turned out , my heart just bloomed to say that really these are the beautiful Roses which blossomed in my kitchen.

Well, fenoris look more beautiful when the layers come out very well. This depends on number of chapatis you use to layer them. More chapatis, the more big beautifully layered fenori. A plain fenori is more easier to prepare, whereas colored fenoris require some more time, patience, otherwise its just fun to prepare them. Due to Diwali time and vacation outing, I had no time to share with you the recipe of my colorful fenoris, so thought of sharing the recipe today. You can try them for the upcoming festivals or any sweet occasions ahead.

For dough:
Maida-2 cups
Salt as per taste
Water for kneading the dough
Hot ghee-2 tablespoons

For filling/stuffing:
Cornflour-1/2 cup
Ghee-3-4 tablespoons

Food colors- red and lemon yellow- 2 pinches each
Oil for frying
Powdered sugar as required

Take maida, add salt and mix well. Make a depression in centre and pour hot ghee. Mix with spoon and then with your palms very well the full ata. Then knead the dough using little by little water to make a semi soft dough. Keep it aside covered for 30 minutes.

For the stuffing/filling, mix both ingredients mentioned above to a fine smooth paste and keep aside.

Take 2 plates and add in it pinches of food colors and add a drop of water in it to form a slight liquidy paste of 2 colors separately.

Now after 30 minutes, let's start the main process of making fenoris. First make balls out of the kneaded dough ( will get 9 balls). Then roll them out into 9 chapatis.

Then take 1 chapati, spread stuffing evenly all over the chapati. Then put drops of red food color and spread with back of a spoon.

Place 2 nd chapatis on top. Spread stuffing, then put drops of lemon yellow food color and spread with back of a spoon all over.

Place 3 rd chapatis on top. Spread stuffing and repeat with red food color again.

Then roll the chapatis together.

Cut into pieces.

Then roll each piece very delicately into a small round puri shape.

Make similarly for next 6 chapatis ( 2 sets of 3 chapatis each). You will approximately 20 fenoris out of 1 set of 3 chapati roll. So 3 sets will yield you around 60 fenoris. I think this much amount is fine for first trial experiment of fenoris.

Now once you finish making all fenoris, place them on paper aside.

Meanwhile heat oil and once its hot, reduce flame to low. Fry each fenori like how you fry a puri pouring oil all over so that all layers emerge up nicely. Then turn. See you should not make them golden brown but fry at low flame and keep them white. You will see your layers coming up beautifully, remove them and drain on tissue.

Sprinkle powdered sugar on top of each fenori when they are hot itself. Powdered sugar gets nicely melted in each layers of fenori and they turn sweet to taste. You can sprinkle how much you want depending upon how sweet each one wants. I have sprinkled little for presentation and then more ( you can see my next picture ).

So your colorful fenoris gets blossomed like roses in your kitchen. Once all are done, let them cool and then transfer them in a air tight container and relish for almost 2 weeks.

So friends, enjoy cooking and your upcoming festivals and sweet occasions further with this sweet delicacy.

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