Bread custard caramel pudding

Bread custard caramel pudding ( eggless pudding):

A very easy to do pudding made for a family of 7 members. Accordingly I have taken the milk quantity so that each person can enjoy it to the fullest. You can reduce your quantity of milk if you are less then 7 members.

Leftover bread pieces, custard powder, milk, sugar and vanilla essence are the only 5 ingredients required. Its an eggless pudding which becomes very tasty and is very easy to prepare.

Leftover bread slices-10 nos
Sugar-3 cups ( 1 cup to caramalize)
Custard powder-4 tablespoons
Vanilla essence-1 tsp

Powder the whole bread slices in mixer or grinder to make powder. Do not discard the edges of the bread slices.

In a container add sugar to caramalize. Add sugar and on the flame. Caramelize means your sugar turns brown. This is explained to those who are very new to cooking- its my basic knowledge to share. Then once your sugar melts and its dark brown and free flowing, transfer it in container in which you would set your pudding. I used 2 containers as I had to prepare pudding for 7 members and my pudding containers were small.

Then keep pudding containers greased with caramel to set aside.

From required milk, remove aside 1 cup milk. Add custard powder in it and mix properly.
Boil remaining milk. Add remaining sugar. Keep stirring. Add custard mixed milk. Stir for 2 mins. Your milk consistency will thicken. Add vanilla essence at this stage, mix nicely and off the flame.

Now add bread powder from your mixer little by little and mix. See that no lumps are formed and your all powder of bread gets mixed properly until you get a thick pudding mixture.

Meanwhile keep your steamer with water to boil. Keep a stand on it.

Pour your pudding mixture in caramelized containers, close them with a lid or aluminium foil and keep on stand in steamer and steam for 35 mins exactly.

Then off the flame. Remove the container carefully and let it cool for 30 mins to come at room temperature. I had 2 containers with me, so then I kept my steamer again and kept my second container for another 35 mins.

After your containers get cooled little bit at room temperature, keep them in freezer for 30 minutes. Then transfer them in fridge( not freezer) down till its well cooled down. It will take approximately 1 or 2 hrs.

After 1 hr, overturn your pudding containers on a plate and cut and serve cool.

You can overturn now and keep in your fridge for as long as you wish and have chilled at night after dinner!!

Pl. Note: I prepared my pudding of 1 litre milk and my bread powder is added as per my instincts. You can reduce your quantities as per your requirement.

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  1. When caramelizing the sugar, should we add water in the container along with sugar?

    1. No, do not add water. Just add sugar and keep flame low.


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