God chapathi

God chapathi (sweet chapati/chapati parata):

God chapathi is a kind of chapati parata made by stuffing panchakat in chapathi. Panchakat is a Goan traditional sweet coconut mixture made using coconut, jaggery, ghee, nuts and cardamom. Pancha means 5 ingredients. This panchakat is prepared during festive occasions/ religious rituals and also offered as a prasad on certain weekly days/or on daily basis in temples to Lord.

 Panchakat also forms a stuffing for traditional festive sweet-patolyo made from rice flour and steamed. So coming to my god chapathis, I have stuffed this panchakat in my chapatis in a very easiest way, to make a wonderful triangular parata, so that you can prepare them very quickly and serve as something different from regular chapatis for breakfast. You can also give such paratas to children in their school tiffin boxes.

To make panchakat:
Scraped coconut-1 big bowl
Jaggery-1/2 cup
Ghee-2-3 tsp
Nuts- cashewnuts or khismish( optional)

For dough:
Wheat flour-1 cup
Milk-2 tsp
Salt-1 tsp
Water to knead the dough

Ghee for frying your paratas.

Using dough ingredients, knead the dough by mixing wheat flour, salt, milk and then slowly adding water little by little to form a soft dough.

Rest the dough for 30 minutes aside.

To prepare panchakat, add all ingredients except cardamom under panchakat section and mix very well on flame till your jaggery melts. At last add cardamom powder. Keep aside to cool.

Making paratas:

Make round balls of dough

Roll each ball into a round chapatis. Now cut the chapati in middle into 2 pieces using knife.

On each half semicircular chapati piece, spread panchakat at one side, fold the other side on top and pack the sides by pressing the edges with your fingers. Your triangular stuffed coconut parata is done. Similarly make for all the remaining balls. You can stuff all your chapatis and keep on a plate and take at once all to fry on tawa.

On tawa, place the stuffed triangular paratas and fry as usual as you fry your chapaties using pure ghee and flipping over on both sides.

Serve with pure ghee.

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