
Sakharbhath ( sweet rice/ meetabhath):

Yet another Goan traditional dessert recipe- sakharbhath. It's a sweet version of rice recipe consumed as a dessert in Goa on festive occasions, religious rituals or ceremonies/functions. Its a most popular sweet dish loved by all Goans. Its also consumed in Maharashtra state.

Frankly speaking I was not fond of this dish before my marriage, and now also am not so fond of it. My husband loves it a lot and also my in laws family. So prepared it for the first time on the occasion of my father in laws 82nd birthday. I had seen my mother in law preparing this dish quite a lot of time, and so thought of trying my hands on same today.

Let's see the recipe. Its simple, quick and easy to prepare dessert. Those who love sheera will definitely love this recipe, it tastes the same, only difference cooked rawa is replaced with rice, as simple to describe it. But let me tell you, the success of this dish is its softness and fluffiness. The rice cooked should be soft as well as non sticky/fluffy. Most of the time sakharbhath turns out sticky in nature. It happens as per your method of cooking. So follow each step carefully as I mentioned to yield you a non sticky fluffy soft sakharbhath.

I have made it for approx 10 members as in my house, everyone loves it a lot. You can reduce your quantities accordingly. I have explained below the ingredients and its quantities in a simple manner, good for you to remember.

Basmati rice-3 cups
Sugar-4 cups
Water-5 cups
Ghee-2 tablespoons
Cardamom powder-1 tsp
Nutmeg powder-1 tsp
Food color or kesar-2 pinches
Salt-1 tsp
Lemon juice-1 tsp

Wash basmati rice 2-3 times and soak in water for 1 hr.
Drain off all water on sieve and let it dry for 20 minutes.
Heat a cooking vessel, add ghee, cloves, cardamom and drained rice. Saute the rice nicely in ghee for 5 minutes minimum. Now off the gas and let it cool.

Meanwhile break cashewnuts into small pieces. Powder nutmeg and cardamom( if you have powder then well and good or can powder them fresh).

Boil water with food color. If you have kesar then deep it in milk for sometime.

Heat the cooking vessel having your cooled ghee sauted rice. Pour this hot boiled water in it and stir well. Cover and let your rice cook nicely for 2 minutes on high flame, then 10 minutes on low flame covered.

Check your rice in between. Once your rice is cooked well, add sugar.

Do not stir now. Make flame to very low and cover. Sugar will melt slowly. Now stir from sides slowly. Let it cook till sugar thickens.

Add cashewnuts, khishmish, lemon juice. Stir slowly and cover and cook undisturbed for 5 minutes.

Add nutmeg and cardamom powder and stir.

Your sugar thickens. Off the flame. Keep it covered for atleast 2 hrs.
I have given below some pictures of cooking after addition of sugar, boiling and then thickening of your sakharbhath.

Sakharbhath should be kept aside for so long so that the rice gets nicely coated with sugar and it puffs up in ghee.

Serve as a dessert on any occasion.

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