Milkmaid Rawa Coconut ladoos

Milkmaid Rawa Coconut ladoos: 

When festivals arrive, there comes the preparation of various sweets. For this Ganesh festival I tried my hands first time on the preparation of laddoos. They are very quick to prepare and tastes awesome.

Let me quickly take you to the recipe.


Rawa-1 cup

Dessicated coconut-2 cups

Milkmaid-1 cup

Milk-2 tablespoons

Cardamom powder-1 tsp

Ghee-4 tablespoons

Dryfruits are optional if you wish to add.


In a non stick pan, add 2 tbsp ghee and roast rawa for 5 mins on low flame. You need not roast till color changes, but just till aromatic.

Remove and keep in a plate.

Again add 2 tbsp of ghee and roast dessicated coconut for just 2 mins. Keep aside.

Add milk in same pan , let it boil. Add roasted rawa and roasted coconut and stir well. Add milkmaid and stir well for 2 mins. You don't require sugar since milkmaid is sweet. Still if you need more sweet then add powdered sugar at this stage. Mix well and off the flame. Add dryfruits if you wish to add. Add cardamom powder and mix well.

Cool the mixture for 5 mins and then make laddoos out of it when mixture is still hot and easy to handle by hands. 

Garnish with dessicated coconut and serve.

Let this Ganesh festival bring prosperity in each ones life.

Happy Ganesh Chaturthi in advance to all my blog readers!!

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  1. Hi. Any alternate for desdicated coconut?

    1. Yes, you can dry roast freshly grated coconut and use instead of dessicated coconut.😊


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