Egg Cafreal with palak

Egg Cafreal with palak ( palak eggs):

Let me first explain you about the word "Cafreal". Goa is famous for it's Cafreal dishes, which have been introduced by the Portugese who ruled Goa for many years.  Chicken Cafreal is the dish originated from Portugese and now widely consumed in Goa. Cafreal means actually chicken Cafreal, but now its the generation of twists and turns and chicken is replaced by any other food and the outcome here goes like mushroom Cafreal, paneer Cafreal, mackeral Cafreal, kingfish Cafreal and today I tried making Egg Cafreal.

Basically the main masala of Cafreal remains the same, but here I have done some twist in recipe by adding palak, curd and besan which actually is not part of Cafreal recipe but I have tried this as a part of cooking competition going on a facebook group.

So let me quickly take you to the recipe which I have given my name as egg Cafreal with palak or you can call it palak eggs.

Ingredients and method:

You require basic 2 paste in this.

Paste 1: The original Cafreal paste.

Paste 2: My innovated paste for the theme.

Paste 1: 

In 2-3 tablespoons of oil saute 1 long slitted onion, 4-5 medium chopped green chillies, 2-3 cloves, 1 cinnamon, 2 tsp peppercorns, 1 inch ginger, 4-5 garlic pods, 1 medium sized tomato chopped. Saute nicely and cool. Grind this with coriander leaves a bunch, jeera 1 tsp, haldi 1 tsp.

( Some directly grind everything, but I saute and grind, I love this way)

Then saute this paste on same pan in butter 2 tsp till you get aroma, add salt, garam masala. Cool.

Boil eggs, cut into halves. Marinate the eggs with paste and keep aside for 15 mins.

Then sprinkle besan on these eggs and shallow fry them on same pan ( remove and keep remaining green paste aside) with oil and butter. Roast nicely done on both sides.

Paste 2: Blanch palak leaves in hot water, cool and grind in mixer with a fistful of coriander leaves, a pinch of green food color, 3-4 green chillies, dessicated coconut, and curd. You will get a green paste.

Saute this paste in butter, add salt, jeera powder. Then add the remaining sauted paste 1. Let it boil. Add more 2 tbsp of curd and butter. 

Then drop the shallow fried egg pieces, give a boil and you are done.

Cafreal taste is combined with palak leaves taste, curd enhances the flavour.

Serve with parata!!❤️

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