Fresh Kokum sharbat

Fresh Kokum sharbat ( Bhindanche sarbat):

April- May is the month you get fresh bhinda fruit( fresh Kokum) readily available in the markets. All Goans including me, prepare it's fresh Kokum kadi which we call bhindanchi kadi and then dry the kokum coverings in hot sun to make dry kokums. 

The recipe of preparation of fresh bhindanchi kadi and then drying of fresh kokums in sun to make dry kokums which we Goans call as Sola, is already posted in my blog earlier. You can view by clicking the below link.

Bhindanchi kadi

Today I shall show you the preparation of fresh Kokum sharbat or fresh Kokum juice, we Goans call as bhindanche sarbat. It tastes more good and is very good for health. It's beneficial in various ways, like its hot season and drinking Kokum juice reduces your body heat and makes you feel fresh and cool. Apart from this it also aides in digestion, it has anti-aging properties and antioxidants. I have mentioned a few benefits, there are many, let's not go into their details. But friends, I can say it's very good for health.

Let's see the recipe.


10-12 fresh kokums ( bhindna)

2 cups sugar ( approx)

2 cups water ( approx)

2 tsp salt as per your taste


Wash the fresh fruit and cut open. Separate the seeds part from outer covers.

Pour some water in seeds and keep aside for 2 hrs. After 2 hrs mash the seeds with your hand roughly and squeeze off all the red liquid. Add more water and again squeeze more red liquid. Discard the seeds.

This red liquid can be used to prepare sol kadi and sharbat. I have used some amount of this liquid below to make my sharbat. Rest liquid is used to prepare kadi which I have given in my above link.

Now coming to preparation of sharbat. The reddish outer coverings of kokum are left.

Grind the outer coverings with little water to paste. Add more water and strain the red liquid and discard the thick ground kokum pieces.


You can see this liquid is dark red in color compared to earlier seeds liquid.

Now add half the amount of this seeds liquid into this dark liquid and mix well. The quantity rises well.

Then add sugar and a tsp of salt. Stir well. See the taste. You can add more sugar if you require. 

You are ready with your homemade kokum sharbat. Refrigerate it for 1-2 hours.

Pour it in a glass and serve chilled!!

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