Chapatecho sano

Chapatecho sano ( chapati upma):

There are some nostalgic memories associated with this dish. It's my childhood snack prepared by my mother every alternate day when I used to come tired from playing outdoors. Those days were different in our times. I still remember this dish which was my favorite and my mother used to make it for me without my knowledge and it just satisfied my taste buds and hungry belly.

Sometimes few chapaties are always left from our breakfast basket. This is a wonderful recipe to make use of those leftover chapaties.

Everyone must have heard and eaten bread upma, this is made in similar way by replacing bread with leftover chapaties. 

So it's a easy to prepare tasty snack dish which you can prepare for your children to meet their evening hunger pranks.  

Ingredients and method:

Roughly make pieces of leftover chapaties with your hand into small pieces.

Chop 1 onion, green chillies, coriander leaves into fine pieces.

Heat a vessel, add 1 tsp jeera, 2-3 curry leaves, 2 green chillies, chopped onions. Saute well. 

Add leftover chapathi pieces and mix. 

Add half a tsp of haldi powder and half a tsp of red chilli powder. Saute well. Add salt and 1 tsp of sugar.

Add coriander leaves and 2 tsp of scraped coconut.

You are done with your chapathi upma ( chapatecho sano) 

Serve hot. 

Note : Above is the simplest version of chapathi upma. You can add green peas or corn kernels to make it more appealing to your children.

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