Burnt garlic corn peas fried rice

Burnt garlic corn peas fried rice:

It's winter season and there comes an overload of fresh green peas in all markets. You can try various recipes of green peas like muttor paneer, Gobi matar, like all these kinds of vegetable gravies wherein muttor or green peas become the centre of attraction. Also green peas pulao, mix vegetable pulao are the common recipes. I have shared many rice recipes with green peas earlier in my blog, which you can have a look under 'rice' label. 

Today I thought would try a burnt garlic fried rice but only with fresh green peas and some sweet corn kernels. Many times I prepare fried rice with those common vegetables like carrot, beans, capsicum, cabbage etc. So tried to go for something different. 

Burnt garlic fried rice was always on my to do list. But never tried my hands on it. Few days back my hubby bought small garlic bulbs which are more stronger and flavourful compared to the normal fat garlic which you usually tend to buy from markets. So I thought to try burnt garlic rice using these small bulb garlics. The quantity required is also little as 1 small garlic is equivalent to 2 fat garlics in terms of flavour.  

So without wasting much words here, let's go to the recipe.

Ingredients and method:

Basmati rice-4 cups. Wash in water twice and soak in water for atleast 30 minutes.

Then cook it in approx 10 cups of water with 2 drops of oil, 1 tsp salt and half lemon juice for 7-8 mins, drain and spread on a plate. Sprinkle required salt and oil all over rice, mix well and keep aside.

Now heat a vessel, add 5-6 tbsp of oil.

Add finely chopped 20 medium sized garlic pods ( I used as mentioned above small garlic bulbs-2, if you are using big bulbs, then 20 medium sized bulbs are enough). Chop them very fine.

Saute garlic till light brown. Remove half in a small cup, and retain rest in. Add finely chopped 2 onions. Saute well. Add finely chopped spring onion white bulbs-2, saute well. Add 4 green chillies finely chopped. Saute. Then add fresh green peas-1 cup and sweet corn kernels-1 cup. Since green peas are the fresh ones, it will take some time to cook soft. So on medium flame let the peas and corn cook well, close the vessel with the lid.

Once your green peas are cooked soft, add 2 tbsp of soya sauce, 2 tbsp of red chilli sauce, 2 tbsp of green chilli sauce. Saute well. Add a tsp of salt to taste. Add your boiled rice, 2 tbsp of black pepper powder, and spring onion greens. Nicely mix all your rice with the veggies. Finely add the remaining burnt garlic from the cup which you retained earlier and mix well. 

Your burnt garlic corn peas fried rice is ready to serve.

Serve hot with manchurian/ fried chicken❤️ with some fresh spring onion greens.

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